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Traditionally, crafting distinctive and genuine feedback for each student was a time-consuming and impractical task for educators. It would take days for an educator to craft distinctive feedback for each student in a class. nuXight, designed by a school principal, empowers educators to effortlessly create distinctive and genuine, individualized feedback in their own words, without relying on AI scripts, for each student. This distinctive feedback is provided to every student within seconds, saving valuable time compared to waiting days. Here’s how:

1. Draft Submission: An educator uploads a feedback draft to nuXight.
2. Refinement Process: nuXight assists in meticulously refining feedback, considering the distinctive characteristics of each context and anticipating all potential outcomes.
3. Result: Empowering educators to instantly generate feedback replaces the 45-minute-per-student crafting process with mere seconds.

nuXight enables educators to customize entirely unique individualized feedback for each student, articulating their insights in their own words, and be delivered in a distintive language preference based on an individual student---a feat previously unattainable. nuXight garners gratitude from students and parents.

It’s challenging to envision how this can be accomplished, but you are not alone. Schedule a 15-minute demo.


Distinctive and genuine feedback is crucial for student learning, as it helps students understand their mistakes and how to improve their work. It also helps parents support their children's academic progress. However, most teachers struggle to find enough time to write distinctive, individualized feedback for all their students. This is where nuXight comes in.

NuXight is an innovative tool that allows schools to send distinctive and genuine, individualized letters, reports, alerts, reminders, and more to each student in class as if they had spent 45 minutes for each student. With NuXight’s easy-to-use interface and customizable templates, teachers can quickly create and send feedback tailored to each student’s needs. This saves time and ensures students receive the information they need to succeed.


School leaders can establish a mandatory teaching standard on the nuXight platform for teachers, and reports teachers can deliver to students' parents - all requiring just a few clicks by the teachers. In complying with these standards, school leaders have a better, more holistic understanding of their classroom performance. At the same time, happier parents feel more involved than ever before and thus more confident that the school is helping their children in their education. Simply put, your parents know that your school excels when they can see your teachers become better teachers via periodic reports that other schools do not provide.

nuXight puts the educational power back in the hands of school leaders

nuXight is an education SaaS enterprise software that enables parents greater access to their children's academic (and recreational) activities than ever before. It's only natural that parents want to know a lot more about how their children do in school. Historically, this task has fallen to the quarterly report cards.

What if there was a way to offer more dynamic reporting without requiring your teachers to work extra? What if there was a means of enhancing transparency between parents and teachers that is pre-approved by the school leaders, a means of creating happier parents and students and better teachers? Well, now there is, thanks to our innovative new software, nuXight.

How Does Our Dynamic Student/Parent Portal Work?

Work smarter, not harder


Designed to be used in any setting where teachers and students are present, nuXight provides school leaders with templates of teaching standards that reflect student performance as periodic reports to parents, without teachers working harder.

Benefits for the teachers ........

Teachers are often too busy to track the nuances of individual students during class. This is where nuXight comes in. nuXight acts like a real-time helper to teachers by reminding them to complete all the tasks for the session for all students. As the tasks are completed, nuXight will automatically update the parents in a pre-approved format by the school leaders. This allows the teachers to concentrate on teaching while effortlessly providing parents with unprecedented feedback via nuXight.

School leaders have centralized control of educational standards, and teachers are spared the frustration of traditionally time-intensive admin, while parents receive more regular updates. So what's not to like?